About Sun Ho

If her objective was to reach out to the masses by 'crossing over', here was her perfect opportunity to tell the world about Jesus, yet not only did she NOT  make any attempt to stand for Jesus -  she was clearly lapping up the moment for herself. Sun was enjoying her musical career at the expense of church goers who were victims of false teachings to the extent that even the unemployed were giving to CHC . Some even  downgraded their homes & gave the proceeds to CHC which went to fund her lavish lifestyle. This is pure evil. 

It is the church who are supposed to reach out to the less fortunate , among them the unemployed ....
Read this damning article that exposes her .

Now the basic premise of Project Crosser is the use of Sun Ho's secular music to reach non-believers - nothing wrong with that in principle, but I want to look at one aspect that I found not just distasteful but deeply disturbing. Over the centuries, missionaries have gone into the most difficult places like prisons to preach religion to even the most hardcore criminals - it is one thing to sit back in your church and wait for people to show up, it is quite another to venture out and convert people in these difficult, even dangerous circumstances. One has got to admire the bravery of some of these missionaries whether you are Christian or not.

Now the basic premise of Project Crosser is the use of Sun Ho's secular music to reach non-believers - nothing wrong with that in principle, but I want to look at one aspect that I found not just distasteful but deeply disturbing. Over the centuries, missionaries have gone into the most difficult places like prisons to preach religion to even the most hardcore criminals - it is one thing to sit back in your church and wait for people to show up, it is quite another to venture out and convert people in these difficult, even dangerous circumstances. One has got to admire the bravery of some of these missionaries whether you are Christian or not.
These missionaries don't always walk away successful - in fact, some don't even walk away. John Williams the famous missionary was eaten by cannibals - he was the first missionary to arrive in Erromango (in Vanuatu) in 1839. Not only did he fail to convert the locals, no, they killed him and ate him. As far as missionary projects go, well, that went pretty badly. When you send a missionary into a dangerous and difficult circumstances, the church should nonetheless bear some responsibility for the missionary's well-being rather than entrust it all to divine powers.

Imagine this worst case scenario - this church sends a young missionary, let's call her Sunny Ho - to spread the word of Christ to this group of people who are celebrate murder, violence, bigotry, misogyny and gun culture. Sunny Ho was armed with the best of intentions but was unprepared for what encountered her - instead, she was seduced by their lifestyle of sex, sleaze and sin. Instead of turning this group of people away from their sinful ways, Sunny Ho then sings a song celebrating gun culture and murdering one's husband. Sounds incredible? Yes, but this was exactly what happened. 
Shooting one's husband instead of going to the church for help and praying about one's marital problems? It's clear that Sun Ho has crossed over to the dark side - oh dear. But hey the folks at CHC keep insisting that this is all just harmless entertainment, it's just good fun, nobody is actually advocating wives to kill their husbands if they're not happy in their marriages, right?
Here's are some lyrics from "Mr Bill" - now nobody has put the lyrics officially online so I had to listen to the song on youtube and try to write them down. Ouch. Try figuring out what the hell she is trying to say with her Singlish-Jamaican Creole - that was painful. Here are some of the lyrics that I managed to make out.

"On mi yon Geisha, all de girls if you are tired of cooking and cleaning whilst your man is at the bash-ment (??) Let me see some bullet, bullet, bullet. You tink dat ja cure? Lady Saw!"

"I really wanna kill Bill. If I had to I would kill bill... I'm sitting at the side of the bed contemplating should I send him to the cemetery rock."

Elephant Man, one of the singers featured on 'China Wine'  raps about murder - he celebrates murder and advocates  killing .His songs are not mainstream at all - he has had no commercial success in America, he has only had some success in Jamaica.

Wouldnt it be great if  Elephant Man embraced Christianity and stopped doing all this terrible, hateful music after having worked with Sun Ho?. Wouldn't it have been great if he told the world, "I met this Christian woman from Singapore Sun Ho and she told me about Jesus Christ. She told me about the good work she is doing with City Harvest Church and I have seen the errors of my ways. I will stop singing about murder, violence and rape from now on." Instead, quite the opposite happened. Elephant Man was just as evil a he was and went on to rape an innocent woman and Sun Ho - as part of project Crossover - literally crossed over to the dark side by recording a song about gun culture and murder in her song Kill Bill :  "I really wanna kill Bill. If I had to I would kill bill... I'm sitting at the side of the bed contemplating should I send him to the cemetery rock."

The question one needs to ask is this: who converted whom?

Some of you must have seen Kong Hee's post on his blog when he responds to allegations that 'China Wine' and other Sun Ho songs were un-Christian and inappropriate. Allow me to quote Kong Hee:

"The “China Wine” music video was never meant for a church event. Neither was it ever intended to be an evangelism tool or a gospel video. It is simply pop entertainment. People watching the video and regarding it as just that will never get offended or stumbled, which explains the millions of hits and thousands of good reviews on YouTube."

Here's a light hearted moment to break the monotony of all this serious stuff ..... love xia xue !!

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